When You Die, Who Will Have Access to Your Google Account?
In today’s world, nearly everyone has social media accounts and email accounts. Florida trust and estates lawyers know that, via these accounts, pictures are shared, memories are made, and personal information is discussed. How do I keep my email and social media accounts private once I pass away? Who will have access to my accounts? How do I provide my husband with access so that he can cherish my pictures? Do I need a probate lawyer? Google, for example, has set up a convenient way to insure that the people you intend to have access to these accounts do.
According to a January 18, 2017 New York Times article, Google allows you to choose executors of your account. In fact, you can choose up to 10 people to be executors. You can allow these executors to have access to your Google account in its entirety when you pass away or when your account becomes inactive. Taking advantage of these estate planning tools that Google and social media outlets are beginning to offer, may be your best bet. This way, your loved ones probably wont have to go to Palm Beach probate court to gain access. To read the entire article, click here.