In Palm Beach probate litigation, what is summary administration? When is summary administration available? Is summary administration the best option? If you are the beneficiary of a small Florida estate, you will want to know about summary administration. Your West Palm Beach trust and estate law firm can discuss the pros and cons of summary administration with you.
Summary Administration
Florida probate lawyers know that summary administration is a type of probate in Florida. How is it different than the formal Palm Beach probate process? A summary administration does not require that a personal representative, known as an executor in other states, be appointed.In addition, trust and estates lawyers will tell you that summary administration may be less expensive and time consuming than a formal probate proceeding. Can I simply choose summary administration in Florida over a formal probate process?The estate in question has to qualify for summary administration. What does this mean?The decedent must have been dead for more than two years, or the estate must be worth less than $75,000. Is summary administration an available option if the decedent had a Florida will that specifies for a formal probate? No! Want to know more specifics?Click here to read the relevant Florida Statutes regarding small Florida estates.In addition, you should talk to a Florida probate lawyer.