Tortuous Interference Estate Case Over Retirement Account

Involved in an inheritance lawsuit over a 401(k) or retirement account?
You may want to read this recent tortuous interference with an inheritance lawsuit case.
Recent Case on Tortuous Interference With Expectancy
- A recent inheritance lawsuit opinion was handed down by a court involving a 401(k) retirement account
- The retirement account was the subject of an inheritance lawsuit
- Specifically: tortuous interference with an inheritance or an expectancy
Inheritance Lawsuits in Florida and Palm Beach
- Florida law specifically recognizes that someone who was wrongly cut out of a will or a trust — or a retirement account — may sue for the wrongful interference with your expectation to receive an inheritance
- In other words: if you were wrongly dis-inherited, you may be able to recover damages under the inheritance lawsuit known as tortuous interference with an expectancy or an inheritance
- Palm Beach probate courts have tried these lawsuits and many probate litigation law firms are familiar with this type of inheritance lawsuit
Some Tips If You Have Been Disinherited or Cut Out of a Will or Palm Beach Trust
- But understand that these estate lawsuits in Palm Beach and all of Florida require thorough preparation for trial.
- And this is after the discovery process and motion practice. Be prepared.
- Probate trials, when you are organized and prepared, can go smoothly, but they are a long road to go down. Are you ready for this emotionally and financially? Who is on your team?
- Or, these lawsuits might be described as a steep set of stairs to climb. A journey. Don’t think you are going to write a letter and get your inheritance: the trial attorneys at our probate litigation firm in West Palm Beach, from experience, will tell you that doesn’t happen. People litigate when it comes to $$. Be ready and be prepared.
- Are you ready to climb those stairs?
Recent Case
- A recent case may be worth reading if you are thinking about this inheritance issue and you believe that you were wrongly dis-inherited
- It involves a beneficiary of a retirement account, supposed forged documents, to change the beneficiary designation
- You see, a person was named as the designated beneficiary on a retirement account
- the owner of the account got sick with terminal lymphoma and he required Hospice Care
- Prior to his death, calls were made regarding changing the beneficiary of the retirement accounts
- Was the signature real?
If you want to read more about this inheritance lawsuit and the issue of tortuous interference with an inheritance, your probate litigator can get a copy for you: 4 NE 1225 (Court of Appeals, Indiana), Feb. 4, 2014, Fletcher v. National Financial Services.