SECRETS ABOUT INHERITANCE LAW & RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS …. Estate & probate professors tell all.

Anyone who is interested in learning about how $9 Trillion is passing from one generation to another will want to listen up. But before you think it’s as easy as using an ATM, it’s not. Retirement account law, inheritance law and estate law all converge over IRAs, SEPs and retirement accounts in general. You need to know your 401(k)’s from your trust inheritance.
That’s right: probate beneficiaries & Florida estate beneficiaries, this means you.
Two esteemed professors are speaking on retirement accounts & inheritance law for the American Bar Association.
Although this probate seminar is geared to probate lawyers, family members and estate beneficiaries — ESPECIALLY Florida probate beneficiaries — may wish to considering listening to this or attending via internet.
Check out the link below and learn more about this great inheritance course.
Florida probate lawyers, including myself, have spoken at similar ABA estate ducation courses like this, and they are great. But hurry, the seminar is July 9th.