Robert Hauser Recognized for his Commitment to Florida’s Appellate Certification Committee
Pankauski Hauser partner Robert Hauser recently received recognition from The Florida Bar for his six years of service on Florida’s Appellate Practice Certification Committee.
The Florida Bar recognized him for his dedicated service and outstanding leadership, including service as Vice Chair in 2013-14 and Chair in 2014-15.The Committee processes applications for certification and recertification in Appellate Practice, including the drafting and grading of the annual certification exam in Appellate Practice. Hauser has been a member of the committee since June 1, 2011; his six-year commitment will end this month. He is honored to have been a committee member. Hauser is Florida Bar Board Certified in Appellate Law and heads up the firm’s appellate practice group. Pankauski Hauser’s appellate team is working right now on appeals in each and every district court of appeal in Florida. Hauser’s appellate practice includes probate issues, matrimonial law, business, contract, and commercial disputes, and real estate matters.
If you are in need of an experienced appellate attorney, contact Mr. Hauser at