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Probate Lawsuit & Undue Influence: how did a cop inherit $2.7 MM New England estate?

Uncategorized Aug 31, 2014
post about Probate Lawsuit & Undue Influence: how did a cop inherit $2.7 MM New England estate?

New Englanders have some questions for a copy who supposedly inherited a $2.7 Million estate.  Like….how did the cop get listed in the will when the woman who had the estate may have had dementia?

New Hampshire Probate Litigation

  • See, Palm Beach probate litigation is not alone, and probate lawsuits are not restricted to Delray Beach or Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
  • A cop in New Hampshire is involved in a probate lawsuit over a $2.7 Million estate
  • Evidently an elderly woman had a will which listed the cop as the sole, or a major, beneficiary of her estate
  • A probate lawsuit has been filed with questions about how the cop got listed in the will as the one to inherit so much
  • Questions of dementia, undue influence and lack of mental capacity linger
  • Evidently, reports suggest that the cop visited the 94 year old millionaire multiple times before she died, leaving a $2 Million estate

To read more about this probate lawsuit with allegations of undue influence and dementia, here is a link that will tell you more:  http://www.seacoastonline.com/articles/20140822-NEWS-408220401