Fourth DCA Appeal, Learn how the Interest on Your Probate Lawsuit Can Rack up Extra Money

Are you seeking damages in a West Palm Beach trust lawsuit? Odds are you want as much money as you can get, who wouldn’t? Did you know that in addition to the damages you might be entitled to prejudgment interest? Do you understand what prejudgment interest can do to your damage award? It depends on how long the Defendant held off paying you! Check out this recent case out of the Fourth District Court of Appeal to learn more.
Prejudgment Interest in West Palm Beach
- A wise man once said time is money.
- Its true, in West Palm Beach if you take your million dollars and invest properly you can earn more money.
- The converse to that is that if a trustee breaches a duty and takes money from you, that is money that could be earning interest.
- The West Palm Beach courts have recognized the importance of prejudgment interest.
- Experienced Palm Beach probate litigators know that this could add thousands of dollars to even a small case.
- Do you know how the West Palm Beach probate court calculates interest?
- Experienced Palm Beach probate firms never forget about the interest.
- Who would forget about money?!
- Don’t believe me?
- Check out this recent case out of the Fourth District Court of Appeal.
Wright v. Yudin & Foster, LLP
- In this case a law firm in Martin County was suing to get back fees it was entitled to.
- Over all the case was not that interesting and the firm won.
- What I found interesting is that in addition to the 109 thousand dollar judgment there was also 28 thousand in interest.
- That is a lot of interest!
- Do you know how the Court arrived at that figure?
- Experienced Palm Beach probate litigators know how to get the interest to the money you are entitled to.
- Did a trustee abuse a position of power to get money that was not theirs?
- Make sure you get the interest too!
Want to learn more?
Check out the entire case by clicking here.