Florida Trust and Estates Lawsuits: Attorney Fee Disputes

In probate litigation cases in Florida, there are sometimes disputes regarding attorneys fees. Do you need a West Palm Beach lawyer who is experienced with trials regarding attorneys fees? Who is entitled to attorneys fees in a Florida litigation case? What do Palm Beach attorney fee hearings entail? Can you challenge an order determining entitlement to an amount of attorneys fees and costs. You may wish to read a recent attorney fee case from the Fourth DCA, In Corominas v. Ajay Development Group, LLC.
Although this case isn’t a trust and estates case, probate litigators frequently participate in similar lawsuits regarding attorneys fees. This opinion explains when the inequitable conduct doctrine permits an award of attorneys fees, and what is required to show that a law firm or party acted in bad faith. To read the entire opinion, click here. To interview a Florida litigator for your attorney fee dispute, call (561)514-0900 ext.101.